Documentation of Continuing Education Courses Includes All of the Following Except

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  1. Take test and pass with a score of at least 80%
  2. Reflect on practice impact by completing self-reflection, self-assessment and course evaluation.

    (NOTE: Some approval agencies and organizations require you to take a test and self reflection is NOT an option.)


We live in a measurement culture. Actions, observations and intent are all subject to review and comparison to desired standards. In order to meet pressures internal to our profession, as well as external, records must be generated, stored, and maintained. Medical documentation has become a component of health care as significant as the rendering of hands-on, direct person intervention. Refreshing our knowledge of documentation premise and process is essential to hone our professional technical skills.

The Health Record

Medical documentation refers to any written or electronically generated information about a client describing services or care provided to that client. Documentation may be in the form of paper records or electronic documents. Electronic documents include computer-created medical record files, faxes, e-mails, pictures, and video or audio recordings. Through documentation, key observations, decisions, actions, and outcomes can be communicated and preserved in a lasting fashion. Documentation intends to create a permanent, accurate account of what occurred and when it occurred.

Today's challenge is to provide succinct but comprehensive records that accurately portray the client's experience while addressing professional and organizational care standards, regulatory requirements, fiscal responsibility, and criteria for reimbursement. This record of care, a legal document, includes information from nurses and various other health professionals whose interdisciplinary function has contributed to client outcomes.

With the abundance of information sources present in health care's data-rich environment, a definition of exactly what elements comprise the legal health record is important. Guidelines from AHIMA, the American Health Information Management Association, suggest that each organization be responsible for defining the content of the legal health record according to its system capabilities and legal environment (Bartschat et al., 2018).

Each health care facility must have a compliance system able to guide and ensure an accurate and complete record generation (e.g., documentation), record maintenance, and records destruction (when appropriate). The American Health Care Association (AHCA) offers guidance to facilities in designing compliance programs. In their recommendations concerning the creation and retention of records, AHCA and AHIMA list the need for each facility rendering health care to address the following items (Diamond, 2019).

  • Maintenance of records and information in a safe, secure place
  • Routinely creating and maintaining hard copies of electronic documentation
  • Limiting access to records in order to prevent fabrication or destruction
  • Development of document retention and destruction policies that are consistent with applicable laws

Legal health records must meet accepted standards present within each organization and those applied by review or oversight authorities such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, state and federal regulations, or the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.

While organizations such as the Joint Commission recognize that both physical (e.g., paper charts) and electronic health records must be individualized to the unique needs and settings of each care facility, some basic components should uniformly be present (Bartschat et al., 2018):

  • Client identifying data
    • Name, birth date, residence, sex, blood type, etc.
  • Known medical history
    • Medical, surgical, medication, family and social history, social, immunizations, etc.
  • Medical encounters
    • Summations of interviews, assessments, and interventions by medical personnel such as physicians, specialists, and consultants.
  • Orders and Prescriptions
    • Medical orders for specific treatments or medications.
  • Progress notes
    • Documentation of observations or care given by all health care team members in chronological order leading to the client's current state of health.
  • Test results
    • Laboratory reports, imaging studies, pathology results, respiratory testing, etc.
  • Other information
    • Such items as flow sheets (i.e., Intake and Output, Vital Signs, etc.), Medication Administration records, ECG tracings, informed consent documents, educational needs assessments, etc.

Communication of Information

Documentation in the client chart provides a means by which health professionals can communicate information to each other. Notes on what we observe and how we respond to interventions or the formations of care plans are entered into this repository of information centered upon the client.

Health care facilities are tasked by organizations such as The Joint Commission (TJC) or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to effectively manage the collection of health information using uniform data sets and policies that guide record creation and handling. While the health record components may differ somewhat in each facility, certain minimum standards are expected for paper and electronic documentation systems (TJC, 2019).

External sources' suggestions can be specific, such as the 2018 abbreviation use standard (IM.02.02.01.EP.02 & 03) from the Joint Commission. In this standard (formerly known as NPSG.02.02.01), each hospital must have a written policy that addresses abbreviations and symbols. This policy addresses all orders and medication-related handwritten documentation (including free-text computer entry) or pre-printed forms (TJC, 2018).

The Joint Commission Information Management Chapter, 2018 Accreditation Standards: Hospital, Standard IM.02.02.01.EP.02 & 03 "Do Not Use" List (TJC, 2018).
Each hospital is to have a written policy that includes the following:
  • Terminology and definitions approved for use in the hospital
  • Abbreviations, acronyms, symbols and dose designations approved for use in the hospital
  • Abbreviations, acronyms, symbols, and dose designations are prohibited in the hospital, which includes the following:
    • U, u
    • IU
    • QD, QD, q.d., qd
    • QOD, QOD, q.o.d, qod
    • MS, MSO4, MgSO4
    • Lack of leading zero (.X mg)
    • Trailing zero (X.0 mg)
      • Note: A trailing zero may be used when required to demonstrate the level of precision of the value being reported, such as for laboratory results, imaging studies that report the size of lesions, or catheter/tube sizes. It may not be used in medication orders or other medication-related documentation.

Communicating Clearly in Chart Notes

The knowledge base offered within the profession of nursing is full of practical bits of help. Allied health professionals, such as medical information management specialists, can provide insight into how documentation is perceived and what is and is not the best phrasing. Common practice experience leads to acceptable manners for handling and conveying information clearly and consistently (AHIMA, 2018).

Do's & Don'ts (AHIMA, 2018)
Documentation Do's Documentation Don'ts
  • Be timely with chart notes
  • Be accurate with information
  • Be complete in what you write
  • Be legible
  • Be objective and provide facts
  • Be clear about pertinent negative findings
  • Be observant to report unusual interactions between clients and others
  • Be correct in spelling, grammar, and use of approved abbreviations
  • Be sure client identifying information is on each page of the written chart
  • Avoid criticism
  • Avoid erasing or obliterating unwanted chart entries
  • Avoid gaps in your written notes
  • Avoid sarcasm, slurs, use of humor, and profanity
  • Avoid drawing conclusions – give the facts instead
  • Avoid removing parts of the chart to work on elsewhere
  • Avoid asking others to document for you
  • Avoid documenting for others
  • Avoid mentioning incident reports within the client chart

Progress notes are essential medical records based on the healthcare profession process: assessment, professional diagnosis, planning with goal setting, implementation/ interventions, and evaluation. Progress notes serve to;

  • Establish a communicated baseline
  • Record relevant data at regular intervals
  • Provide snap-shot summaries of a client's condition
  • Document changes in condition
  • Document response, or lack of response, to treatment

Each care setting tends to specify the patient data format or chart note style that they prefer for progress notes. Follow your facility's documentation policies. There are many charting styles currently available. Each notation format has advantages as well as disadvantages. Some have been around for a long time, while others are new. Many institutions blend format systems to get the right record-keeping style that suits their unique needs. Whichever style is used, clearly communicate while avoiding potential legal problems. Careful forethought and practice using a charting strategy will consistently clear and legally defensible documentation.


The narrative note is the most traditional medical record progress note style. It involves documenting assessment data, interventions, and patient responses in chronological order with free-flowing structure, content and form. Many facilities rely solely on this format, while narrative notes supplement check-off forms and flow sheets in other settings.

Narrative charting tends to be thorough and detailed. It is also time-consuming. The chronological narrative is popular with healthcare professionals who document complex descriptions with comprehensive assessments.

One critical legal issue with this style is that shift to shift, person to person, inconsistency makes it difficult to follow the patient's progress and plan appropriate care. Each nurse may write her notes with a unique style, thus making continuity of care more difficult. Since this form allows for "free-flowing" paragraphs, there is more room for sloppy writing, spelling errors, rambling repetitive narration, inappropriate personal opinions, and inaccurate language. Although these problems are not necessarily indicative of negligence, a negative inference may be made regarding the "professionalism" of the nurse and the facility.

To avoid problems, ensure that each nurse tries to achieve consistency with record keeping. Perhaps decisions can be made regarding the placement of vital signs, patient outcomes and care rendered within each narrative paragraph turning critical thinking into critical charting (Cohen, 2018). Have a dictionary available to help with spelling problems. Handwriting must be legible, and descriptions of patient observations must be precise. When flow charts are used to document vital signs, avoid repeating that information in the narrative unless there is a specific change that you are addressing in the note.

Problem Oriented Medical Records

Problem area charting formats focus on specific needs rather than general assessment information (Caple & DeVesty 2018). POMR or problem-oriented medical record systems frequently use acronyms to provide memory aides for the written progress note structure. As POMR documentation focuses on progress in specific problem areas, it is sometimes generically referred to as "focus charting" (Chowdhry et al., 2017).

Some problem-oriented charting acronyms:

  • SOAP – Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan
  • SOAPIER – Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan, Intervention, Evaluation, Revision
  • APIE – Assessment, Plan, Intervention, Evaluation
  • DAPE - Data, Assessment, Plan, Evaluation
  • DARE – Data, Assessment, Response, Education
  • DARP – Data, Assessment or Action, Response, Plan

We will now look at examples of POMR format charting as they move along a continuum away from straight narrative documentation.


SOAP charting follows a distinct format that defines the various sources of information followed by an intervention plan. SOAP stands for subjective, objective, assessment, and plan.

  • Subjective - provides the client's condition in a narrative form using that person's own words to describe their condition and concerns
  • Objective - relates findings such as vital signs, observations from physical examination, laboratory results, measurements (i.e., weight, age, etc.)
  • Assessment - summarizes findings into a professional observation of condition, such as is found within the nursing diagnosis system
  • Plan - details what the healthcare professional will do to address the client's needs


The basic SOAP format for progress notes is sometimes expanded to fit unique organizational needs, such as;

  • Intervention that details specifics of the plan formulated in the earlier SOAP system
  • Evaluation of outcomes from the plan of care
  • Revision of planned care needed, based on the evaluation that occurred following the intervention


DARP moves further along the continuum away from straight narrative-chronological charting into a combination of check-off forms and flow sheets supplemented with narrative progress notes. The POMR style progress note most often follows the DAR(P) format;

  • Data gathered is related to a focus issue (e.g., often a summary referring to the information found on a checklist or flowsheet)
  • Assessment of the data with additional information not related to the flowsheet (NOTE: Action is sometimes substituted for or integrated into the Assessment phase)
  • Response to the need brought into focus during the assessment of available data
  • Plan for continuing care following the intervention phase of the response (i.e., a continuation of observation, education of client, notification of another professional, etc.)

Risk management strategies with this charting style need to make certain that healthcare professionals from the unit where the forms will be utilized have input into the check-off forms and flowsheets. An ample room must be present to record pertinent information. Each institution should provide the staff with sufficient training to utilize the strengths of this system to its best advantage.

Charting by Exception

Many consider charting by exception (CBE) the antithesis of narrative progress notes. CBE is a format developed to overcome the recurring frustration of lengthy, repetitive narratives. It consists of a heavy component of flowsheet documentation with a blending of POMR narrative added. Quickly marked checklists and flowsheets document normal assessment findings and routine care with narrative documentation limited to findings outside the norm (Woten et al., 2017).

One strong advantage is that flowsheet design can incorporate clearly defined expectations for the type of patients cared for on each unit and in each care setting. Standardization of forms process within each facility allows caregivers to provide patient assessment and documentation consistency. The CBE system still requires POMR documentation of significant or abnormal findings yet does not require narrative noting when expected outcomes are achieved by interventions provided. Charting by exception can reduce the amount of time spent on documentation.

Charting, by exception, has the potential to be a great asset to electronic medical records documentation. The use of quickly scored checklists that document routine matters complements at-the-bedside computerized data entry. By shifting the emphasis from descriptive discursive narrative paragraphs for every routine and expected event to minimal narrative notes for only unexpected or highly significant events, CBE may be the cutting edge of medical documentation (Woten et al., 2017).

Since charting by exception is a departure from more traditional medical documentation models, it can lead to legal challenges. The biggest problem noted seems to be the appearance of large gaps of time without patient contact. Although this is not true, if no significant observations are made, no notes will appear in the record to prove the nurse's attentiveness. Likewise, wellness promotion and preventive care may not be a component on a patient problem checklist, preventing full credit for the work done.

Let the Lawyers Speak (Small & Rutherford, 2009).

"If it was not Charted, it was not Done" is inaccurate and misleading,

Dan Small of the legal firm Holland & Knight and Launa Rutherford of Grower, Ketcham, Rutherford, Bronsor, Eide & Telan.

Proper documentation is important, they continue, but the documentation does not care. "Nothing in the law requires health professionals to document everything they do or say. That would be impossible."

Charting should be "a way of trying to record things that give a fuller picture of the care," along with specific key elements essential for documentation.

Clinical Pathways

Clinical pathways (aka care pathways, critical pathways, care maps, or integrated care pathways) are multidisciplinary descriptions of the expected care for a specific illness or condition with a specified timeline that is the anticipated length of stay. The pathway focuses on outcomes and efficient use of resources while still providing quality care. Pathways have proven to be a good way to identify variances from expected outcomes and promote efficiently organized care centered on evidence-based practice.

Typically, pathways are written to address a specific condition. It usually includes the expected length of stay, care setting, timeline, assessment, multidisciplinary interventions, patient activity, medications, lab testing, patient and family education, and outcomes. Some facilities are using clinical pathways in conjunction with charting by exception. The use of pathways is changing documentation in many healthcare settings. Managed care, for example, is heavily invested in clinical pathways, recognizing them as an important tool for rendering and documenting quality care.

The major focus on avoiding legal complications in clinical pathways is understanding how your facility uses them and what supportive documentation is required. At some facilities, the pathway has replaced the traditional care plan and progress notes with documentation made directly onto the pathway document unless the patient does not meet the outcome. At this point, a narrative note is made.

Computerized Records

Software programs are available to capture patient data in a computerized format. Depending upon the system selected by the facility, information may be entered by keyboard, voice activation, mouse, a touch-sensitive screen, or a combination of these methods. Some systems allow the healthcare professional to select pre-written phrases to describe the patient's condition with very little sentence formation performed by the professional.

Fear Factor in Computerized Health Record Technology (Weber-Jahnke, 2009).
In discussions among healthcare professionals, concerns about electronic medical health records often focus more on the system's mechanics, availability, and security than on documentation format styles. At heart, fears revolve around three main points commonly cited: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Often referred to as the "CIA" properties of computer documentation;
  • C onfidentiality demands that no unauthorized party may access sensitive information
  • I ntegrity requires that information cannot be altered by unauthorized parties or by technical errors
  • A vailability demands that sensitive services remain available at all times
Distrust regarding computerized health records is a factor that limits acceptance with the staff asked to utilize them. Consistent, measurable security processes and education concerning the systems employed can help overcome the fear of computerized charting and documentation.

Comprehensive education must be provided before implementing a computerized system. A "hard copy" of essential information should be printed at designated times to ensure an accurate record in case of computer problems, as determined by each facility's policy. Error correction must be completed before the information is permanently stored, and all information should be double-checked before entering it. Any corrections made after storage will have to be specially noted.

Remember the basics of HIPAA training related to electronic medical documentation.

  • Never leave a computer terminal unattended after you have logged in
  • Do not leave information about a patient on the screen where others can view the monitor
  • Never give your password or computer signature to anyone
  • Tell a supervisor if you suspect someone may have used your code.

Legally Defensible Charting

Certain guidelines apply regardless of the documentation format you use. The following tips will help ensure that your record-keeping can be defended in the courtroom.

Legibility is essential. Never second-guess someone else's handwriting or their intent. Call the colleague for clarification, if necessary. Correct spelling and proper grammar are crucial for safe patient care because they enhance your professionalism. Ensure a dictionary is kept available to anyone responsible for charting and post a list of commonly misspelled words. Avoid abbreviations when possible. If you must use them, use only abbreviations approved by your facility.

Make sure you have the CORRECT CHART before you begin writing.

The medical record is a permanent legal "business record," As such, entries must not be made in pencil or erasable ink. Write in permanent ink. Stick to blue and black ink. As a rule, courtroom proceedings will use copies of the record. Copying and electronic scanning machines duplicate blue and black ink with the highest clarity. If you use a highlighter in your record, perhaps to note discontinued medication, make certain that your medical records department can effectively copy highlighted information. Some copy machines "gray out" any writing covered by a highlighter.

If anything is secured into the medical record with tape (monitor strips, blood product labels, etc.), use double-sided tape or tape only onto blank paper. Even though the tape is clear and can be read through by the naked eye, a copy machine may "blackout" the taped area. Faxes must be copied prior to inclusion in the chart. Unless you have a plain paper copying fax, the ink on the fax may be water-soluble and fade in a matter of days.

EVERY PAGE of the record must have the date and patient name. This notation is required for a record to be admitted in a courtroom setting.

Your complete signature is required once per page. Your complete signature is your name, followed by your professional designation.

When adding a progress note, follow institutional policy to determine if you are to note the time the entry is being added or the time that the observation took place.

Avoid block charting, such as "11:00 pm to 7:00 am." This type of documentation gives the impression of vagueness. Note exact times of all necessary treatments, physician contact, or notices to supervisors. Any time you leave a message with someone in a physician's office, note the time and the name or title of the person taking the message.

Make certain the "proper" person does the documentation. For example, The Joint Commission requires that the initial assessment and care plan be performed and documented by a registered nurse. Documentation by the proper person is especially important in educational, nutritional and rehab assessments.

Avoid documentation practices that allow or allude to alteration or falsification of a medical record. Eliminate excess white space in your record. When making a progress note, write flush to the margin. Likewise, when you have completed your thought, draw a line through any remaining blank space on the line before signing your name. Do not leave blank lines between entries.

Do not make entries in advance. Wait until things happen before marking them down. Even the most predictable events can get off schedule when caring for a patient.

To correct entries, put a single line through the error and add your initials and correction date. You may note "error" or "mistaken entry." Do not use white-out or tape designed to obliterate typographical errors. Do not correct another's an error. Likewise, if you do not agree with an entry, do not record your opinion next to the disputed entry. Discuss your conclusions with a supervisor to ensure that the patient receives the best possible care and that the chart reflects respect for all health care team members.

When possible, chart as soon as you can after you make an observation or provide care. This timeliness helps eliminate the chance of forgetting important data. Late entries, out-of-sequence entries, or addendum entries may sometimes be necessary. If the entry is made on the following day, always cross-reference the entry so that the reader will read the additional note in the proper sequence. The following steps will eliminate misunderstanding (Small & Rutherford, 2009):

  • Add the entry to the first available line
  • Indicate clearly "Late entry"
  • Record the day and time you are writing the entry, and
  • In the body of the paragraph, indicate the day and time of the previous event now being described

Never chart for someone else. If you did not participate in an activity or observe someone else's care, do not write anything. If you are on duty when a nurse calls to report that she forgot to record a patient interaction, chart it in the following way:

"At 8:35 am, Nurse Joann Green called and reported that at 5:30 am this morning, she observed…."

Understand countersigning. Only countersign notes when required by the institution.

  • If you merely review someone's note, co-sign in the following manner:
    • "Student Nurse name/Entry Reviewed by Jane Doe R.N."
  • If you participate in the activity, co-sign in the following manner:
    • "Student Nurse name/Jane Doe R.N."

Keep documentation objective. Do not chart opinions or assumptions. Rather than writing, "the patient was unresponsive," your notes should report what you saw through objective assessment. Document what you see, hear, or smell. Avoid entries like perhaps, maybe, or I think.

Be careful to avoid labeling the patient. For example, avoid descriptions like demanding, drug-seeking, abusive, lazy, drunk, mean, litigious, or out-of-control — instead, note observations as a description of the behaviors.

Unusual occurrences and patient injuries need documenting. Objectively record what you witness without making any conclusions or unsubstantiated assumptions. Document comments from the patient, roommate or visitor using quotation marks. Record the patient's vital signs, physical condition, mental condition, subjective complaints, physician's notification and arrival, and treatment details. However, do not mention that an incident report or occurrence report was filled out.

Always document a client's uncooperative behavior. For example;

  • Leaving against medical advice
  • Refusing or abusing medications
  • Failing to follow a diet or exercise plan
  • Refusing to follow instructions to stay in bed or ask for assistance
  • Failing to give information that affects care, such as complete history, current medication, treatments
  • Patient or family tampering with traction, IVs, monitors
  • Failing to follow up with visits to the clinic or physician
  • Bringing unauthorized items into the facility

Document any safeguards or other preventive measures you are taking to protect your patient (e.g., night light left on, call light available, floor clear of trip hazards, etc.).

The chart that the facility's safekeeping for valuable possessions system was explained and made available to the patient. Encourage patient/family to have possessions sent home. If they agree, have them sign their names next to a documented statement. Discuss the availability of a safe and make sure that all items put in the safe are recorded on a receipt complete with the client's name and ID number. Describe each item in detail using objective language — for example, a yellow ring with a clear stone instead of charting a gold diamond ring. Frequently update the list of valuables for long-term patients. Before a patient is transferred, take an inventory of the list of valuables to verify the location of items.

Document medication administration in as thorough a manner as possible. Note the date, time, your initials, the method of administration, and the site where the medication was given if it is an injection. When recording intravenous (IV) infusions, note the infusion site, type and amount of fluid, medications added, and the administration rate. At least once a shift, note the condition of the IV site along with the type and size of the catheter. If a medication is given for pain, note the site of the pain and its severity. Then follow up, noting the effectiveness of the medication. When omitting a medication, document the rationale. For example, "pain medication held pending stabilization of vital signs." If a medication order is questioned, tactfully document your conversation with the doctor. If someone else is giving your patient medication while off the unit, make sure that person charts that they administered the medication.

Avoid verbal and telephone orders when possible because of the high risk of errors. However, it is not always possible. The proper method for documentation of verbal or telephone orders includes:

  • Time and date of the phone call
  • Write the order verbatim, and then read the order back to the physician
  • Document T.O./R.B. (telephone order/read back) or V.O./R.B. (verbal order/read back) followed by the physician's name, and your name
Read-Back Rule (Moghaddasi, et al.. 2017).

Documentation of telephone orders, verbal orders, and the reporting of critical test results by either voice or phone fall under The Joint Commission's "Read-Back" requirement.

Clarity and confirmation that the receiving person has received and written exactly what was intended is the purpose of read-back. Implementation is exactly how it sounds. Read back the order and get confirmation from the person who gave the order.

Documentation that read-back has occurred should follow the policy set by your facility. In general, the notation T.O./R.B. and your signature are acceptable, although your place of employment may require that "telephone order read back" or "verbal order read back" be written out.

Documentation of discharge instructions should include diet, activity, medications (name, reason for taking, dosage and frequency), skincare hygiene, specific treatments, follow-up appointments, and any agency referrals. Along with the note relating that instructions were given, document the patient and family's comprehension of the discharge instructions. If any skills were demonstrated, record the patient's ability to demonstrate in return what was taught.

Case Study

Case Study
Situation: At 2:00 am, on night shift rounds, nurse Sally Rise LPN noticed the client being treated for a UTI and chronic liver disease with a bloody area on her bed linen from her left forearm where a heparin lock had been placed for IV antibiotics. The client, 62-year-old Rehma Fitzgerald, rouses easily and knows where she is. She states being itchy and must have scratched it out.
SOAP Note:
  • Subjective – What did the client say?
  • Objective – What is observed?
  • Assessment – What do you assess as going on?
  • Plan – How will the situation be handled?

8/1/2019 0200 Ms. Fitzgerald states, "Oh dear, I must have pulled that fluid tube device out when scratched. I have been so itchy!" A six cm area of damp blood was present on the bed covers beside the client's left forearm. Left forearm heparin lock found pulled out of the skin, dangling from opposite dressing remnants. No visible hematoma. The client unintentionally pulled the heparin lock out due to skin irritation at the site. The pressure was held at the bleeding site for three minutes to assure clotting. Site cleansed with betadine swipe and band-aide applied. Linen changed. IV team will be contacted to resume IV access. A note will be left for the physician informing her of the incident and requesting prn anti-itch medication. -------------------- S. Rise LPN

DAR Note:
  • Data – Subjective and objective.
  • Action – What staff said and did.
  • Response – What the client said and did.

8/1/2019 0200 L. forearm heparin lock found DC'd by the client. No visible hematoma. 6cm damp blood drainage on bed linen. The client stated had been itching and must have scratched the device out. Site cleaned; pressure held 3min. The light dressing was applied. IV team and MD to be informed. Anti-itch prn will be requested. The client states, "Thank you, dear. I must have scratched that device out. I have been so itchy!" ----- S. Rise LPN


The primary purpose of medical documentation is to establish an individual's health status and need for care, record the care given, and demonstrate the care results. Medical documentation allows for the exchange of information between all healthcare team members. The health record provides legal proof of the type of care the patient received and that person's response to that care. Medical documentation that is poorly maintained, incomplete, inaccurate, illegible, or altered generates doubt regarding the treatment given to the patient. Be factual when documenting. Do not guess, generalize, or give personal opinions. Rely on your professionally guided physical observations. What did you see, feel, hear or smell? Documentation of patient care holds the healthcare team members to professional accountability and demonstrates the quality care you have given.

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  • ​​​​​AHIMA. (2018, Dec). Ten documentation dos and don'ts: A risk-adjustment coding guide. HIM Briefings. Accessed April 25, 2019. Visit Source.
  • Bartschat, W., et al. (2018, Nov). AHIMA. "The Legal Process and Electronic Health Records." American Health Information Management Association AHIMA e-HIM Work Group on Defining the Legal Health Record Update. Accessed May 1, 2019. Visit Source.
  • Caple CRBM, DeVesty GBM. (2018, April). Focus Charting. CINAHL Nursing Guide. Accessed April 15, 2019. Visit Source.
  • Chowdhry, SM., et al. (2017, April). Problem-Oriented Charting: A Review. International Journal of Medical Information. Doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf,2207.04.016. Accessed July 5, 2019.
  • Cohen S. (2018, Oct). Turning critical thinking into critical writing. PPS Alert for Long-Term Care. Accessed April 15, 2019. Visit Source.
  • Diamond M. (2019). How to Create a Modern and Compliant Records Retention Schedule You Can Execute. Journal of AHIMA. 2019;90(4):28-29. Accessed April 25, 2019. Visit Source.
  • Moghaddasi, H., et al. (2017, May). Verbal Orders in Medicine: Challenges, Problems and Solutions. JOJ Nursing and Healthcare. Doi:2017;1(5);555575. Accessed July 7, 2019.
  • Small, D., & Rutherford, L., (2009, July). Documentation Myths in Litigation. Provider. (Washington, DC), 35(7), 37. Accessed July 5, 2019. Visit Source.
  • TJC. 2019 Portable Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals (CAMH). The Joint Commission. Accessed June 1, 2019. Visit Source.
  • TJC. (2018, Sep). Official "Do Not Use" List. The Joint Commission Fact Sheet. Accessed June 1, 2019. Visit Source.
  • Woten, M., et al. (2017, April). Charting by Exception. CINAHL Nursing Guide. Accessed July 6, 2019.
  • Weber-Jahnke JH. (2009). Security Evaluation and Assurance of Electronic Health Records. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2009;143:290-296. Accessed July 5, 2019. Visit Source.


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